Venture Details

"*" indicates required fields

Are you UK Based?*
Have you previously secured funding?*
Are you seeking to raise capital in the next 6 to 12 months?*
Do you have a paying customer base or signed letters of intent?*
Are you happy for us to contact you to keep you in the loop with any events or news in the sector?*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

We ask these questions to ensure that we can provide the best possible support to ventures that are at the right stage of development. 

We can assess your venture’s readiness for investment and growth with our model.

This allows us to understand your revenue, customer traction, and funding needs, while also identifying potential challenges and opportunities for scaling.

We can determine whether our board, partners and network of investors are the right fit for your business, ensuring that we focus our resources on ventures that are well-positioned to succeed.

Viability, Validation, Vision

Viability: Is the venture financially and operationally stable with a clear path to growth? We assess revenue, customer traction, and funding readiness to determine if the business is in a position to scale.

Validation: Has the venture demonstrated market validation? This includes proof of concept through paying customers, Letters of Intent, or other market indicators that show there is demand for the product or service.

Vision:  Does the venture have a clear, compelling, and scalable plan for future growth? We look at the business’s long-term goals, strategy for scaling, and the leadership team’s ability to execute on their vision.

Are You a Fit to Talk with Us?

  1. Post-Friends and Family Round:
    1. You’ve raised initial capital and are now seeking your first significant funding (e.g., £1-2 million).
  2. Customer Traction:
    1. You have Letters of Intent or an early customer base that validates your product or service.
  3. Scalability Potential:
    1. Your business has a clear path for growth but requires strategic guidance and funding to accelerate.
  4. Open to Expert Guidance:
    1. You’re willing to work with a board of experienced professionals to refine your strategy and pitch.
  5. Ready for Funding:
    1. You need support not only in securing funds but also in preparing your business for investor confidence.